“My language is understood all over the world” Discovering the Life and Music of Joseph Haydn “Meine Sprache versteht man durch die ganze Welt” - “My language is understood all... read more →
Intern Perspective on International School Ruhr, Essen IS Ruhr is founded on international open mindedness. The atmosphere as soon as you enter the school is warm and welcoming. Diversity is... read more →
G4 Pretend Concert and Student Agency What did G4 students work on? This term G4 students put a mini concert together and performed it in front of themselves and two... read more →
Früh übt sich: "Bundestagswahl" an der IS Ruhr Am 23. September um 15:35 Uhr fand die sogenannte Juniorwahl, eine Simulation der Bundestagswahl, an der Internationalen Schule Ruhr statt. Der... read more →
PYP Exhibition - A Journey that Shares our Passions ‘Excited’ was the word that the 5th graders expressed as they began the academic year. They knew that the exhibition... read more →
Math Inquiry during Home Learning During home learning, teachers use live lessons and online tasks that are assigned on Toddle Classroom to help students (learning partners) to continue to... read more →
The PYP and me: Parent's Perspective on PYP I am a father of two - My son completed PYP and my daughter are currently in Grade 1. Both of them... read more →
Technology Integration at IS Ruhr: Using Book Creator to share research findings As an IB PYP school, IS Ruhr commits to prepare students to take positive action in an interconnected... read more →
Audio Podcast: Press Freedom I have completed a short podcast on “Press Freedom”. The main purpose of my podcast is to inform my classmates and the members of IS-Ruhr about... read more →
Developing International Mindedness at IS Ruhr ‘Why did you enrol your child at IS Ruhr?’ This question kicked off our first PYP Parents Learning Hub on November 4. The discussion... read more →