19-02-2025 | CAS BLOG | BY GIADA & YUSU | GRADE 11

Interview with the actresses, Veronika Maruhn and Victoria Hinzmann, ahead of their performance at IS Ruhr Unplugged “Villa Carnevale”! Giada, Yusu: What inspired you two ...

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11-11-2024 | CAS BLOG | BY Masha, Yu Su, Luke & Jo

Interview with our talented dancers and world champions, Jayce and Naveh, ahead of their performance at IS Ruhr Unplugged! In anticipation of our upcoming IS ...

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07-11-2024 | AGIS BLOG | BY EY/PY & SY Educators

Fostering Empathy in the Classroom: Key Takeaways from the AGIS Conference In September 2024, teachers from the Early Years, Primary Years, and Secondary Years at ...

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24-04-2024 | PYP BLOG | BY GRADE 5

Exploring Grade 5 Perspectives: Insights into the PYP Exhibition Journey   The PYP Exhibition (PYPX) is a special event that marks the culmination of the International ...

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06-03-2024 | IB BLOG | BY PARSA | GRADE 11

Starting a Musical Revolution: Emma Lloyd and Karin Schistek’s Dynamic Duo The collaboration between Emma Lloyd and Karin Schistek is a colorful example of the ...

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04-12-2023 | IB BLOG | BY EYA | GRADE 11

Interview with Juan, Edgar and Jean Carlos Juan, Edgar and Jean Carlos are a Colombian trio who share the vibrant world of South American music ...

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31-10-2023 | IBDP BLOG | BY GRADE 11

IS Ruhr Unplugged with Moke Ame Our first IS Ruhr Unplugged event – we were very happy with the first event, big success, there were ...

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Interview with the IS Ruhr PY Choir Singers The IS Ruhr PY Choir came to life in 2022 with just 6 members. Since then it ...

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27-09-2023 | IB BLOG | BY SOPHIA | GRADE 11

Interview with Moke Ame Moke Ame is a Canadian songwriter based in Berlin with a background in both modern and classical singing.   Sophia: How did ...

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20-06-2023 | Von Waterloo nach Essen

WATERLOO/ESSEN – Auf der Suche nach einer Möglichkeit, wieder nach Deutschland zurückzukehren, ist Simon Vanderkelen (52) fündig geworden: Per 1. August 2023 wechselt er von ...

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30-11-2022 | PYP Blog by Ms Karin Schistek

“My language is understood all over the world” Discovering the Life and Music of Joseph Haydn “Meine Sprache versteht man durch die ganze Welt” – ...

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Intern Perspective on International School Ruhr, Essen IS Ruhr is founded on international open mindedness. The atmosphere as soon as you enter the school is ...

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29-11-2021 | PYP BLOG | BY MS KARIN

G4 Pretend Concert and Student Agency What did G4 students work on? This term G4 students put a mini concert together and performed it in ...

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Früh übt sich: “Bundestagswahl” an der IS Ruhr    Am 23. September um 15:35 Uhr fand die sogenannte Juniorwahl, eine Simulation der Bundestagswahl, an der ...

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25-06-2021 | PYP BLOG | BY GRADE

PYP Exhibition – A Journey that Shares our Passions    ‘Excited’ was the word that the 5th graders expressed as they began the academic year. ...

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11-03-2021 | PYP BLOG | BY MS ESZTER

Math Inquiry during Home Learning   During home learning, teachers use live lessons and online tasks that are assigned on Toddle Classroom to help students ...

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04-03-2021 | PYP BLOG | By Sascha Zinflou

The PYP and me: Parent’s Perspective on PYP I am a father of two – My son completed PYP and my daughter are currently in ...

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25-02-2021 | PYP BLOG | By Ms Yuni

Technology Integration at IS Ruhr: Using Book Creator to share research findings As an IB PYP school, IS Ruhr commits to prepare students to take ...

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08-12-2020 | IGCSE BLOG | By Varshini | Grade 10

Audio Podcast: Press Freedom I have completed a short podcast on “Press Freedom”. The main purpose of my podcast is to inform my classmates and ...

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20-11-2020 | PYP BLOG | By Ms Yuni & Ms Jessee

Developing International Mindedness at IS Ruhr ‘Why did you enrol your child at IS Ruhr?’ This question kicked off our first PYP Parents Learning Hub ...

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12-11-2020 | TOK BLOG | By Ms Genevieve

TOK Pioneers What can an object tell you about the way knowledge is produced, acquired and interpreted? Much more than meets the eye, according to ...

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05-11-2020 | CAS BLOG | By Oliver | Grade 12

Challenge on the Keep Fitness Trainer App The Keep Trainer App is a digital app that acts as a home fitness trainer to use anywhere ...

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05-11-2020 | CAS BLOG | By Sanjay | Grade 12

Fit X Whenever I was still in England, I started to develop the interest to go to the Gym. Luckily for me, the Gym was ...

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05-11-2020 | CAS BLOG | By Mariam | Grade 12

Animal Shelter Volunteer Before quarantine, I was volunteering at an animal shelter which was suggested to our class by a teacher. She let us know ...

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08-10-2020 | CAS BLOG | By Johannes | Grade 12

Hiking during the Summer Going for a hike is an individual activity experience, which I have done during the summer holidays. I have done this ...

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