Nov 05

05-11-2020 | CAS BLOG | By Sanjay | Grade 12

Fit X

Whenever I was still in England, I started to develop the interest to go to the Gym. Luckily for me, the Gym was on the campus already which meant that I was able to go there after school almost every day. Whenever I got back here to Germany, I wanted to start going to the Gym again, but I never really did it because the laziness took over me. Right whenever I learned about the lovely subject called CAS, I definitely considered going to the gym again. So I did an internet search to see which Fitnessstudio is the closest and best for me. I found out that Fit X is the closest one, which is right at the Ruhrallee meaning right between ISR and my home. I started on the 14th of September and I tried to be consistent in going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. Of course, this is not always possible and there were times where I got really sloppy in terms of going there. As people might refer to, once you stop it’s hard to get back to it again. I procrastinated more and more and pushed it to another day which kept on for sometimes over 2 weeks, but I never lost the passion and affection to keep on going to the gym to build up more muscles. It has been a long process and it took some time to see any noticeable progression but I am pretty happy as to where I got now but I will keep working and pushing myself to another level.



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